• biography •
Futureshock. One word that conjures up two very clear images: T-1000 type machines legging around big willie style in 2340 surprising folk and a Brummie duo known to raise pulses skywards on dancefloors from Bedrock to Bugged Out! with their genre-defying music. |
Alex (younger, less chatty) was also into electro and breakdancin' when hewas a kid though he grew up in the far more authentic surrounds of EastCoast America (Baltimore). He moved to the Midlands when he was ten on thematernal promise that "all the best musicians come from England," the factthat he liked Duran Duran sealed his geographical fate. As a teen Alex hadan ambition to host his own radio show and he met a guy who recorded radiojingles. Helping out in his studio Alex eschewed cash for studio time so hecould tinker on his own music. Now a fully fledge studio engineer to Phil'spro-DJ Alex has even engineered an Ozzy-less Black Sabbath in his time. He'sstill the studio geek into spending inordinate amounts of time on E-Bayshopping for old synths.
Alex bumped into Phil in the corridor of the studio he was working in andbecame an honorary Urban Hero. Alex' most important release from this erawas an early UK garage hit 'Diamond Rings' as Ex Presidents. Now affordedlegendary status it regularly features in classic UK garage top tens and isoften bootlegged. Phil and Alex also attracted a young Mike Skinner totheir studio. "Mike from The Streets used to come by and play us demo's he'ddone on his PC," Alex recalls. "He needed to go to London to get the cockneyaccent. What he's doing now is amazing." Shame they didn't sign him up toFuju!
If Phil could choose three words that he thinks Alex would pick to describehim they would be talkative, opinionated and considerate.
If Alex could choose three words that he thinks Phil would pick to describehim they would be moody, self-absorbed and "hopefully" talented. "I know! Ishouldn't have said 'talented' that's so arrogant," Alex back-tracks. Modesttoo then.
Whilst holding down the mantle of remixers du jour through 2000 Futureshockhoned their sound. Phil: "Underworld would send us their parts ('Jumbo'broken into it's single recorded components) and it gave us a real insightinto how they'd made the tune. We'd break it all down to the elements thenput our twist on it." The remixes were made with big rooms in mind,Futureshock cut through the progressive and trance sounds by keeping itfunky and making sure they let their drums do the talking. "We were so intoTodd Terry's drum sounds. We wanted to do drums like Todd and put electronicsound over the top. No one else was really doing that. We bought the samedrum machine Todd and Mantronix used." The so-called euphoric breakdowns ofmost tech-house and progressive records were usually left wanting, wanting abeat that kicked hard. Futureshock's kicked like a mule. Alex' favouritegame is spotting who has nicked their huge kick-drum from the mighty'Sparc'. Tom Stephan has so far 'fessed up.
The follow-up to 'Sparc' - 'The Question (Why, Why, Why?)' paid homage toUnderworld sampling an old b-side. In the fall of 2002 Futureshock willembark on tour with Underworld making their live debut showcasing tracksfrom their forthcoming eagerly anticipated album. 'Sparc' will be on there -a track that was reviewed across the techno, house and progressive pages ofthe mags on its release - alongside a track "that doesn't sound likeanything we've done before", a track with an MC from the Reinforceddrum'n'bass stable, a track featuring a rap that recalls the hip house era,a track written by and featuring Ben Onono who was involved in the house hitof the summer 'It Just Won't Do' and a track "that is perfectly capable ofclearing any dancefloor the world over" (this is a good thing). No doubt allunderpinned with their booming drums.
Anything else we can expect?"Expect the unexpected."Of course. Time to board up those pigeonholes.
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